Chrome Extensions
Here are the Chrome extensions that we commonly use at sinProject.
Translate while you read and write within Chrome. Powered by the world’s most accurate AI translator.
View translations easily as you browse the web. By the Google Translate team.
Add an outline style and see the boundaries of every HTML element without affecting the layout (sizing or positioning).
Replace the file/folder icons on the GitHub file browser with icons representing the file’s type and which tool it is used by.
Wappalyzer is a technology profiler that shows you what websites are built with.
Download SVGs from websites as SVGs, PNGs or JPEGs
Simulates colorblindness in your web browser.
Speed up, slow down, advance and rewind HTML5 audio/video with shortcuts
Netflix の日本語と英語字幕を同時に表示。3 秒巻き戻し機能。英単語の意味を表示。ひとつのセリフをリピート再生。再生速度の変更。フレーズをお気に入りに追加。